Two Types Of Wall Mounted Change Table

Before the introduction of science and technology, everything was much complicated and time consuming as well. But as soon as the world became advanced, everything got modified be it a minute thing or a huge object. These advancements have made our life much easier and faster. People have started to think broader and are trying to make more and more innovative things which can make their work easier. One such invention is the introduction of wall mounted changing tables. In this article, we will be putting a highlight on the two different types of wall mounted change table.

Wall mounted change table:

Wall mounted change table is not like any other regular table which is supported mostly by four stands and sometimes by three stands. On the other hand, as the name implies that wall mounted change table is the table that is attached with a wall.  It does not take much space as it is constructed in such a way that it can be easily folded away. Basically, there are two types of height adjustable change table, which are; wall mounted adult change table and wall mounted infant change table.

Wall mounted infant change table:

Wall mounted infant change tables are safe and sanitary at the same time. They are mostly built in restaurants and malls so that parents can easily change their baby’s diapers but some people have bought these tables for their homes as well because it is lot easier to change the diapers on them. Top quality ceiling hoists for disabled have two or three racks built on its side on which various necessary baby products can be placed.

Wall mounted adult change table:

Wall mounted adult change table is the table that is specifically built for disabled people. A disable person or a person with restricted mobility is the one whose mobility is hindered either because of any physical disability or due to any mental illness. These tables are comparatively larger in size because they are made specifically for adult patients who cannot change their clothing or diaper by themselves so a volunteer or nurse changes their clothing or diaper in wall mounted adult change table. This table is specifically used for changing purposes because it is located in higher position which makes it easier for the other person to change the disabled person.


We are living in an advanced age of twenty first century in which everything has become easier and energy saving for a mankind. The advancement is not just limited to the invention of scientific discoveries or digital world rather every daily routine things have also been modified. One such modification is wall mounted change table. There are two types of wall mounted change table; wall mounted infant change table and wall mounted adult change table. Both of these tables are constructed by using the same concept of joining the table with a wall. “Para mobility” provides the best mobility products like wall mounted adult change table for disabled people.